Modern Electronics era started late 1940 and is just past 80 years' flag. It is still the key driving force for the modern science and technology. It is a magnificent platform for all modern sophisticated innovations and in various applied sciences. So does in the field of agriculture as well. With the emerging trend of smart farming technology concepts, there are various systems for sensor embedded electronics to play a vital role in agriculture. Electronic based systems accumulate large amount of data on soil, crop and weather status while controlling and managing fertigation, weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting and various other practices.  They are vital in controlling systems employed in indoor plant houses for controlling Temperature, RH, light pH and EC in artificial intensive cultivation systems. This Optional course is for final year students who are seeking essential knowledge to work in hardware components of all above mentioned electronic applications in the field of Agriculture.

This is Two Credit Elective course module for the Degree Program Bachelor of Science in Green Technology for Semester 2-1